Celebrating our 1st Wellness Week — 9 days a week, 4 times a year

Summer Solstice from June 12th to June 20th, 2021

Click on these links to download PDFs • Press ReleaseFlyerDetailed Program

See streaming presentations from our Summer Solstice.

Wellness Works with Ed Bauman and Donnie Yance.

Lose the Blues with Ed Bauman and Christina Wright

Honoring the Summer Solstice with Kevin Locke, Phil Lane, Crystal Wahpepah and Ceylan Locke.

Healing Foods and Spices with Ed Bauman and Chef Lizette Marx.

Me The Other panel discussion with Director Shidan Majidi and special guests.

Let’s Talk about Plastics with Em Luisi and Jean Naughton.

Building Immune Resilience with Ed Bauman and Alan Gale.

Joyful Movements with Sneha Arora and Neeta Merchant.


Wellness Works

Wellness is a process of creating vitality, building resilience, and living intentionally to support life within and around us. Community wellness emerges as individuals, families, workplaces, and institutions make wellness a priority for one and for all. To create a just, diverse, equitable and inclusive society, barriers to wellness programs and services must be turned into stepping stones toward community learning. 

Research documents that people who follow a single wellness practice such as eating well, movement, mindfulness, healing relationship, and service, live longer and cope better than people who rarely practice these proven, health promoting, disease preventing behaviors. 

Wellness works when people reflect and respond, rather than react to stress. We will demonstrate how to integrate five restorative wellness practices into your daily routine. We will test the hypothesis that if one wellness practice works, the effect of following three, four or five wellness practices, will be exponentially greater.

With our roots in our five wellness practices, Eating for Health™ and our theory of change, we want to transform our experience of wellness to integrate individuals, communities, institutions and the planet for all, with justice, equity, diversity and inclusion.

Our quarterly nine days of wellness week invites all participants to celebrate our collective journey towards oneness. With that journey in mind, we encourage everyone to watch the 2:23 min. trailer below and the 84 min. award-winning feature length documentary about twelve students in Michigan whose lives are challenged by being “othered” and whose struggles and triumphs reveal the resilience of the human spirit.

“Me, The Other“ Official Trailer